Saturday, November 30, 2019

4th of July

What a great way to end the week!
Mom tried to get pictures of all the kids with sprinklers, but we were the only 2 willing to stand still long enough!

Poppy's Lake

We got to see Poppy's Happy Place, the lake house.
We can understand why he loves it.
It's peaceful and beautiful.
And fun to ride on his fishing boat!

Blue Hole

One of the cool things about being in the mountains is hiking to secret swimming spots.
Even Mom was showing off her Mantra balance, proving you can still have fun adventures after 40.
The secret spot is officially named Blue Hole, but we liked jumping into the Brown Hole just fine.

Four Wheels and Tiger

Swimming at Joli's farm is always fun.
And we met our new cousin, Tiger. Mom says he has a wicked smart human brain in that head. 
He supervises their four wheeler.
It was a good time!
And Uncle Jake got new marketing shots For The Brand.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Jump and Chuys

Jump Zone and Chuys is always the favorite for the boys!

Marmee Tea Time

Tea with Marmee. Always our favorite day!
This year we added Selfies to the fun.