Having some fun in my bouncy seat today, hanging out while the car drama unfolds at our house.
We had one of those famous Texas hail storms last month that damaged our cars, and Mom's car was totaled. State Farm offered to buy it from us instead of paying for repairs. So, yesterday the salvage company took away Mom's trusty Honda. We have been a one car family for almost 24 hours.
Which is why it is so hilarious that Dad's car won't start tonight. Even funnier is the fact that just one week ago, he took it for a big maintenance check to be sure it would be ready for our road trip and move next week. It was perfect last week, not so perfect today.
Mom and Dad are laughing at all of the stressful things that have happened in this last month, and how we are just going to add this one to the list.

Tonight we are ordering dinner in while we wait for AAA to bring us a new car battery.
Mom says it's all good as long as we have our bouncy seat and a dry diaper!