Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Alpha In The House

Maggie and Moxie are terrified. They check on me when I cry and squeak, and seem very concerned.

But Moxie is the only one who will sit near me for longer than 30 seconds, and he is plotting his escape the whole time. Mom got a few pictures of me with Moxie...

Maggie, on the other hand, has made a new habit of staying as far away from me as possible. She is very sweet to me, will give me a sniff once in a while, and paces with worry when I am crying.

Maggie reacted the same way when Mom brought Moxie home as a puppy. She was scared of him at first, but quickly took on the role of protector and mommie. I'll give her some time to warm up to me, it must be hard for her to share her Dad with me.

Friday, May 30, 2008

My First Visitors

This week I met my Nana Mugs, Papa, and Aunt Joy from Boston, and Great Aunt Doe from Chattanooga. It was a fun week, and I tried to be on my best behavior. They all seem really warm and loving, and I look forward to growing up with them!

Our visitors were so nice to us- they brought us dinner and helped Mom with the house. I know Mom was grateful, she even got to take a nap every day.

Other big news this week- my Dad graduated from Business School! The best part of his graduation is that now he will be home with me and Mom for the next month until we move.

While I'd like to say that I met all of his friends at graduation, I really just slept through the whole thing like an angel. But we did take tons of pictures, especially with Uncle Dale.

I'll miss our visitors, hopefully they will come see us again in Tampa!

My First Week At Home

Mom and Dad took me to Town Lake at sunset for our first family walk, it was beautiful. We almost missed the sunset because I puked on myself in the car. Maybe if I fuss or puke enough, they will stop putting me in that darn car seat!

We are getting into a nice groove at home, trying to get my days and nights straight. I am wide awake around 4am, but Mom seems very sleepy then. I have Daddy Time every day- we take a walk outside and watch Sports Center.

This is a picture of me in my favorite outfit, a shout out to my future boyfriend, Eddie Dauksys. I also have crushes on Luke Wolters and Future Baby Boy Hartman. Dad says he likes those guys well enough, but that all boys have to stay away from me for a few decades.

This week I had to go back to the doctor to recheck my bilirubin (it was fine). The jaundice has given me a nice glow, almost like a tan. Or, maybe that is just my smitten parents putting a positive spin on my condition.

My mom and dad just stare at me all day, laughing at my funny faces when I'm asleep. They like the way my mouth hangs open like a little bird. They laugh at my "poop face" (I grunt and grimace with great noises from below). They love my sleep smile. I think I will have them wrapped around my little finger as soon as I smile at them on purpose.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

We're Home

Big day for me- first time in car seat (hated it), first car ride (loved it), and first nap with dad. This is mom's favorite picture, she likes how much I look like him from this angle.

Maggie and Moxie aren't sure what to think about me. They like the way my diapers smell, but they get scared when I squeak or move my arms. Maggie checks me every few minutes- gives me a quick sniff and runs away. Moxie likes to put his big pink nose right in my face and lick my feet.

My parents are really cool- they feed me every 2 to 3 hours (even at night!), change my dirty diapers, dress me in soft onesies (thanks, Nana!), and let me curl up to nap on their chests.

I'm a mellow girl, just going with the flow. I like getting fed and cuddled, and I don't cry too much. I like having my head rubbed, I make funny faces and smile when I'm sleeping, and I burp and poot like a grown man. Dad laughs at my noises.

So far, so good!

My First Day

Wow, I'm finally here! I just had my first bath in the hospital nursery, and it feels nice to bask here under the warmer.

My mom and dad seem really nice- mom is the same as what I remember for the last 9 months: warm and snuggly. Dad seems to have a glow, and everybody is saying that I look exactly like him. They are both staring at me with big happy eyes and perma-smiles.

They keep saying what a good girl I was through the labor today. But there was a scare when I wouldn't take a deep breath after being born. I stayed blue for a full 2 minutes and had to get a little oxygen to perk me up. Yep, it was awkward, and mom had a secret internal panic attack. I'm just keeping them on their toes.

The next few days will be exciting here in the hospital, then we get to go home and meet my big brother and sister, Maggie and Moxie.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Kelsey's First Post!

I was born on May 8th, 2008, weighing 7 lbs 9 ounces and 19 inches long.