Big day for me- first time in car seat (hated it), first car ride (loved it), and first nap with dad. This is mom's favorite picture, she likes how much I look like him from this angle.
Maggie and Moxie aren't sure what to think about me. They like the way my diapers smell, but they get scared when I squeak or move my arms. Maggie checks me every few minutes- gives me a quick sniff and runs away. Moxie likes to put his big pink nose right in my face and lick my feet.

My parents are really cool- they feed me every 2 to 3 hours (even at night!), change my dirty diapers, dress me in soft onesies (thanks, Nana!), and let me curl up to nap on their chests.
I'm a mellow girl, just going with the flow. I like getting fed and cuddled, and I don't cry too much. I like having my head rubbed, I make funny faces and smile when I'm sleeping, and I burp and poot like a grown man. Dad laughs at my noises.
So far, so good!
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