Wow, I'm finally here! I just had my first bath in the hospital nursery, and it feels nice to bask here under the warmer.
My mom and dad seem really nice- mom is the same as what I remember for the last 9 months: warm and snuggly. Dad seems to have a glow, and everybody is saying that I look exactly like him. They are both staring at me with big happy eyes and perma-smiles.
They keep saying what a good girl I was through the labor today. But there was a scare when I wouldn't take a deep breath after being born. I stayed blue for a full 2 minutes and had to get a little oxygen to perk me up. Yep, it was awkward, and mom had a secret internal panic attack. I'm just keeping them on their toes.

The next few days will be exciting here in the hospital, then we get to go home and meet my big brother and sister, Maggie and Moxie.
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