Saturday, May 31, 2008

New Alpha In The House

Maggie and Moxie are terrified. They check on me when I cry and squeak, and seem very concerned.

But Moxie is the only one who will sit near me for longer than 30 seconds, and he is plotting his escape the whole time. Mom got a few pictures of me with Moxie...

Maggie, on the other hand, has made a new habit of staying as far away from me as possible. She is very sweet to me, will give me a sniff once in a while, and paces with worry when I am crying.

Maggie reacted the same way when Mom brought Moxie home as a puppy. She was scared of him at first, but quickly took on the role of protector and mommie. I'll give her some time to warm up to me, it must be hard for her to share her Dad with me.

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