Monday, July 20, 2009

Bubbles and Uh-Oh

Yes, it seems like Mom and Dad record every single moment of my waking hours... because I learn something new every day!

Hide and Seek

Mom grabbed the video camera last week to capture my cuteness during Hide and Seek. Only, this time I didn't chase her, I took a detour to the drawer where my pacifiers are hidden!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

New Hobbies

The best part of getting older is discovering new hobbies. Coloring is on top of my list- I can use my crayon to color on paper, the coffee table, the kitchen cabinets, and the tile floor!Climbing is becoming my new specialty. I can climb into my rocking chair all by myself now. It's hilarious when I stand up in my chair- you should see the look on Mom and Dad's faces. They always ruin my fun and make me sit down. Folding laundry has become an adventure, too. I love to climb in the basket, lay down, and say "Night Night". Mom told me not to forget that I am growing out my bangs! We discussed the idea of cutting a cute little Suri bob... but we didn't want the maintenance... so this is my new look!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Cow Says Moo

Lately I am learning the sounds that animals make. Mom was able to catch my "moo" and my creative interpretation of what a dog says (panting).

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Water Park

Mom and Dad took me to a water park today and it was awesome!
It was overwhelming at first, but it didn't take long for me to discover the thrill of splashing around.
This definitely beats the heat!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy 4th!

Happy 4th of July! Dad and I had a great weekend playing with my wagon. As you can see by the sheer joy on my face in this picture, my favorite part was when Dad pulled me around the house!
He showed me how to take down the sides so I can climb in more easily. He says that I am a budding little engineer.
Another awesome weekend morning spent in my favorite pajamas... and another awesome nap!