Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Animal Rescue Club

Have I mentioned that I LOVE animals? I created an Animal Rescue Club with my friends at summer camp. So, it was thrilling when I got to rescue a real stray dog in our neighborhood!
We thought he must belong to a family, based on clues like the collar and leash he had chewed through. And the fact that he was clearly comfortable riding like a King in the car.
He was sniffing around our block all by himself, and was super friendly when Mom scooped him up. She took him to our vet, where they were able find his microchip and leave a voicemail for his owner. They told us his name was Neptune, and asked if we could take care of him for the afternoon. 
It was the best day, ever! We gave him lots of TLC. All he wanted to do was stare out the window at the back yard. We took him for a walk that night and ran into a neighbor who recognized him as a squirrel-obsessed escape artist. That's how we found his house.
 The story has a great ending, because his family was so happy to see him and hear about his adventure. The Mom had put him outside that day because his big sister, a 16 year old Golden Retriever had to go over the Rainbow Bride with help from a Laps of Love house call. So, you can imagine how upset his family was, thinking Neptune was gone forever, too. Our Mom was touched by the story, and said we had good karma that day. We didn't care about karma, and frankly forgot all about Neptune after we met the most adorable KITTEN in his house! We miss our friend, and his kitten.    

Fourth of July

We started the weekend with a parade at summer camp, then beat the thunderstorms in time for a pool party with friends.
We didn't get many pictures, because Mom and Dad were having fun, too. They loved watching us interact with our friends. I hope they don't lurk around corners with their cameras ready when we are teenagers...
They especially loved how gentle and sweet Ryan was with the younger kids. It's nice to see Hulk's softer side.
Our West Virginia neighbor's fireworks were accompanied this year by wicked lightning and thunder. But we were too exhausted to notice.

4 Years Old

If I had to pick one word to describe Ryan at this age, it would be Unfiltered.
He just says what he thinks and expresses how he feels in the moment with an intensity comparable to a volcano. Sometimes I find his giant, lovable personality irresistible. Like when he said "Kels, I wish we could go to Boston again and sleep in the same bed and hold hands". And when he is always starting a crazy fun imaginary game at home like superheroes vs. villains.   
He always seems to be bursting with happiness and affection. 
He says things now that are hilarious and random, like:
  • "Mom, you're being up-nauseous" (obnoxious).
  • "I pooped. I had one big poop, and lots of snake poops. I stinked it up really good".
  • "Your car is remarkable".   
Mom and Dad took some final pictures of him in his toddler bed, before moving up to a real bed for his birthday. Suddenly he looks so big.
The mornings are tough for him now, since he tries to stay up at night to see what our parents are doing. He is convinced they are up late watching Captain America cartoons and eating brownies without him. So, he fights sleep as long as he can. Which makes for some tired mornings.
He loves being a big kid. Because he gets to do things like go to the dentist.
And have lunch dates at his favorite restaurant.
And get special treats. Because M&Ms give him big muscles.
 We love this loud, charming, imaginative boy!

Happy Birthday Ryan!

This big kid is 4 years old!
He asked for a low key birthday, packed with Avengers.
And it was perfect. He had his birthday sprinkle doughnut for breakfast,
followed by a fun day packed with friends.
He loved handing out cupcakes to his class so they could celebrate with him.
They all love superheroes, too (especially Avengers).
It was a perfect day!

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Sunset Cousins

The pictures are beautiful!