Friday, May 31, 2013

Memorial Day Weekend

Mom said this weekend goes down in history as one of her favorites of all time. We were bummed out that we couldn't go to Chattanooga to visit our cousins, so we decided to make the best of our staycation.  And we left our camera at home, using only iPhones so that Mom wouldn't be tempted to take a million pictures. The first stop was Sesame Street Safari at Busch Gardens.
Then we got to go into the kangaroo exhibit.  Now that I'm 5, they will let me feed them. I think Mom was just as excited as I was. There were two young kangaroos that were very friendly, and I was completely in awe. 
We could have stopped there and called it the best weekend ever, but it only got more and more fun. I took Ryan into the giant bounce house. He was cracking up, completely unfazed by the rough falls, and I was in my element as the protective big sister.
 I think Mom and Dad had just as much fun watching us running, falling, and giggling. They were loving the fact that we have finally hit the stage where we actually play together.
Dad's favorite part of the day was squeezing into rides with Ryan.
Ryan's favorite was the ropes course. He is seriously fearless. This is going to be a problem when he gets older.
 The baby ducks got more attention than the giant Elmo and Big Bird who were walking around the park. Mom let me take her phone and practice my photography skills.
 She says I did a good job.
 The next day was equally awesome- we went out on a boat with our friends. The boys got used to the life jackets after being bribed with a few Capri Suns. Nothing sweetens a deal like sugar (and chocolate chips).
 We girls didn't need anything but the wind in our faces, we kept asking the Dads to drive the boat faster!
 The next day was a beautiful time at our favorite beach with the entire population of central Florida.  We didn't get any pictures of the perfectly flat clear blue-green water because we spent most of our time in it, swimming like happy little fish.
 We were able to admire Buddy's new signature move with food. He rolls it up neatly between his palms,
then shoves the biggest possible bite in his mouth.  It's not uncommon for him to choke 3 times per meal now because he refuses to take baby bites.
 Meanwhile, I'm adopting the European approach to mealtime, dragging it out for hours. Mom and Dad usually start asking "Are you done yet?!" around the same time that Ryan starts shouting "ALL DONE! GET DOWN?!" a hundred times.
In the end, it was 3 blissful days where nobody was sick, everybody was well rested and in a good mood, and we were all tired enough in the afternoons to snuggle like this. And we got to gobble up Dad's smoked BBQ ribs with friends. Perfection.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Big Sister Duties

 Being a big sister is the best job in the world.  Having a little brother idolize you and copy your every move is very flattering, but it comes with awesome responsibilities.  
You have to teach them how to properly eat the chocolate chips while baking cookies with Mom, then demonstrate Chocolate Face for the camera.
You have to show them how to face their fears with courage,
but also let them know it's okay to be scared of a little wave sometimes.
You have to be willing to share your toys with them, even when they pretend that toy is a blood thirsty shark that viciously attacks all of the stuffed animals.
You have to realize that sometimes hugs must be stolen from them when they aren't looking. Because usually an attempt at a hug is translated as an invitation to play the Wrestling Game.
If you can master all of this, the payoff is totally worth it. 
Because, at the end of the day there is this little person who loves you more than anybody else, and wants to be just like you.

Ice Pack

Ryan's favorite games are called Tackle and Head Butt, so sometimes I get accidentally hurt. This time I asked for an ice pack (and he demanded one, since he has to copy everything now). Then he pushed Dad aside so that he could sit exactly like me, too.

Doc McStuffins

My new favorite show is Doc McStuffins, about a little girl who gives her toys a check up and helps make them feel better. I got a McStuffins doctor kit for my birthday and hired Dad as my first assistant, but he prefers to use Ryan's power tools.

Cinderella Ballet

Our Moms got tickets to the Cinderella Ballet for our annual birthday Girls Day! It was fun to dress up in our princess gowns and hike through downtown to see the show.
We had time for a few pictures outside the theater... boooring.
Then it was time for the show.
It was beautiful and funny and I loved it. But my favorite part was eating lunch at Panera with my friends and playing Hide and Seek under the tables.

Symphony Under The Stars

We can officially say that we like living in this town because this month has been full of super fun activities for families.  Tonight was Symphony Under The Stars, where you hang out in the stadium to listen to a symphony and play under the stars with friends.
Poor Ryan was getting sick tonight, but we didn't know until the next day when he showed signs of Hand Foot Mouth Disease.  That's why he looks like this in all of the pictures.
He was a good sport,
just a little dazed and not quite as maniacal as usual.
He still did his adorable bossy new thing where he takes your hand and drags you where he wants to go.
He was obsessed with the big pirate ship.
It was really cool. We can't figure out how they got it all the way on top of the stadium. There must have been a big flood or hurricane or something. 
I loved the fact that we could run around and practice cartwheels while the stars came out. And we got to stay up way past our bedtime.
This picture was Mom trying to figure out the action setting on her camera. We like the picture anyway, because it is happy blurry kids!

VPK Graduation

We're off to Kindergarten! I finished VPK with flying colors, great friends, and appreciation for my teachers, Ms. Chris and Ms. Kelly.
They taught me to read, add and subtract, treat my friends with respect, and make beautiful art projects that my Mom will keep forever.
Our class performed an adorable ceremony for our parents, including our favorite song "We're Off To Kindergarten" set to the tune of We're Off To See The Wizard (from Wizard of Oz).
Then we performed a sign language version of Somewhere Over The Rainbow that Mom and Dad are making me do a million times at home because it's so sweet: Somewhere Over The Rainbow.
Ms. Chris gave a nice speech where she predicted what we would all be when we grow up. Dad almost spewed hot molten lava when she declared my future occupation to be "Fashion Model". He gets a little psychotic when people assign stereotypical princess culture identities to me. He says I could also consider roles that highlight my intelligence, creativity, and big heart.
Mom agrees with Dad, and says that I will be great at anything I choose to do, but we need to get through Kindergarten first!  She says I am stubborn and shy like her, which means I will be persistent (a very good trait in life and Kindergarten), and will probably not get into too much trouble growing up. She thinks I am absolutely perfect.