Sunday, December 1, 2019

Happy Birthday Dad!

Sunset in Kruger National Park, this 2019 birthday is definitely one to remember.

First Day of School

Sixth grade and third grade!
It's too fast! We were just in Kindergarten yesterday.
Now we're doing our own hair in the mornings, 
tying our own shoes,
and running sprints before school to get our wiggles out.
We love our teachers and friends, it's a perfect start to a new year!
Kicked off with, of course, our First Day Cookies.

End of Summer

This summer will be remembered for Snap Chat filters,
Golf in a summer thunderstorm,
second annual summer concert, 
Clean Juice smoothies,
grilled cheese and all white or yellow foods,
Pane Rustica cookies,
Screen time giggles,
weird walking fish that wash up in big storms,
face masks,
batting cages,
and date nights when our sister is at a birthday party with friends.