Saturday, July 21, 2012

Favorite Hat

Ryan's favorite new game is to put on this "hat" and walk around the house laughing hysterically. We can't even get a good picture of it because he literally runs around with it on. It is really fun to live with this charming lunatic!


Our theme at school last week was camping, so Dad let me take his lantern for Show and Tell. It was a huge hit, and now I can use it to read my books by the "campfire"!

Daddy Daycare

Daddy just survived a 7 day stretch of Mom's crazy work schedule, where he got to be a single parent for the weekend, and spend a Monday with Ryan's fever and ear infections. He's a good guy. We love him.

Sleeping Beauty

My parents have a new thing about taking pictures of me after I've fallen asleep. This one was after I snuggled up all of my babies and read them a story. Once Mom told me I was a good mommy, to which I angrily replied, "I am not a mommy. I'm Kelsey. I'm just a kid!". And this picture was when I fell asleep watching the rain outside.

Corn on the Cob

Guess who loves corn on the cob? He doesn't enjoy eating it as much as he loves the process of biting off big mouthfuls, then spitting them out. The books call this acclimating to new textures. We just call it hilarious!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Snow White's Hula Hoop

Dad and I had a contest to see who could shake a pretend hula hoop the most times before the sand runs out. Naturally, Dad deleted Mom's video of his effort, so here's my winning shake: Pretend Hula Hoop Olympics

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Quack Quack Moo

Ryan is starting to use sounds and words, another reminder that he is growing up too fast! All we have caught on video so far is his duck and cow: Quack Quack Moo

Stealth Cheerios

Today Mom turned around after drying her hair and found this little devil having a great time with his Cheerios. First, she was surprised to find him in the bathroom since he was supposed to be in the living room with Dad and me. How long had he been there, quietly snacking? And who gave him the whole container of Cheerios?He was all smiles and giggles, until Dad showed up with the broom and dustpan.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 1st Birthday Ryan!

Our favorite boy had an awesome first birthday! I'm pretty sure he loved his cake.We celebrated with a dual theme that incorporated his two favorite books. He didn't care about the theme. He just wanted the cake box.
It was a fun time, but I really wasn't in the mood for pictures. The best part of the day was talking to our poolside Boston family on Skype, especially shirtless Papa! Our sweet cousins Keeley and Brady (also partially naked) sent a singing video by text, and lots of family and friends sent wishes via Facebook. Definitely a state of the art birthday.