This year we had many things to celebrate: our family, our health, my 2 bottom teeth (click on the picture to get a good look at the little nubs peeking through), and...

The arrival of Baby Keeley! She is my new baby cousin, and she arrived the day after Christmas.

My Mom said that she was so happy to be there for the birth, and that Keeley's Mom was her hero for pushing out a GIANT 8 pound, 11 ounce baby (she thanked me for being a more manageable 7 and 1/2 pounds).

My Mom's med school roommate delivered Keeley, which made it even more special!

I am really excited to have another girl in the family! Jakob and Colin are great boy cousins,

but I am looking forward to sharing baby dolls and hair bows instead of Darth Vader and Spider Man!

We had a really fun weekend in Chattanooga, I got to see all of my family- here are a few pictures from the visit.

This is my
Mawmaw and Poppy:

And this is my cousin Wags. He was funny like Moxie- very

My family was really nice, they all wanted to take my picture...

I did my best to give them good material. They were constantly amazed at how much I resemble my Dad!

I got a lot of fun toys, but my favorites were the bows and paper from the gifts.

Mom and Dad thought it was funny when I tried to eat Sparky, like he was just another toy!

Maggie and Moxie were happy to see us when we got home (I didn't tell them about Wags and Sparky). And today we are getting ready for my Aunt Joy's visit. I love all of this holiday fun!