Sunday, November 29, 2009


This weekend my Great Aunt Doe took me to meet Santa! I showed off my new Attitude for her...

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Thanksgiving!

There are so many things to be thankful for today! My good health, my awesome family, my teachers at school, my sweet dogs, and my favorite blanket are a few things on the top of my list.
Last Thanksgiving was the first day in my hip brace. This year I am especially thankful for my healthy hips!
We spent the day cooking... Mom roasted a turkey and Dad smoked some ribs. Then our friends came over and we had dinner before the Texas game.
For the seventh year in a row, Dad's homemade apple pie was the star of the meal. Yum!

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Happy and You Know It

On The Phone

I love to talk on Mom's phone. Usually I put it to my ear and say: "Eh-yo? Hay!". This video is me having a "conversation". Mom says the end is the funny part!

Tuesday, November 10, 2009


If you think I look rough, you should see my parents. We just survived my crazy high fever for 4 days. All of my tests were negative at the doctor's office yesterday (ouch!), so Mom said I still have to get the swine flu vaccine next week. On the bright side, I am getting great TLC from Mom and Dad!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Kleenex Party

Look who can reach into the top drawer...
Mom was so amused that she quietly let me explore in my room. I emptied the Kleenex box and pulled the cotton off all of the Q-tips.
Mom says that we are going to work on The Clean Up Game next.