My cousin, Keeley, came to visit this week! She is 14 months now, a little bit younger than my wise old 22 months. It was a great time, in spite of the ridiculous rainstorm that ruined all of our fun plans.

We haven't seen each other since Christmas, so we had a lot of catching up to do. She is RUNNING now, and Mom said she is going to be a natural gymnast.
Marmee and Jenny came, too, and I loved them! They know all the best kid songs, with hand motions, too. It was Keeley's first ride on a plane, so the first night she was pretty tired. She let us know when she was ready for Night Night by snuggling up with her Piggy.

We started our first full day together with a good breakfast, then drove all the way to the zoo.

Unfortunately, the Rainstorm From Hell hit as soon as we walked to the zoo ticket counter... so we drove to the mall playground instead.

I think the grown-ups were disappointed, but we didn't notice the difference.

The playground was awesome!

The next day we went to the aquarium to see the fish.

It was great, but exhausting! This was my not-so-subtle hint to Mom that I was "all done" with fish and turtles and sharks.

Keeley and I discovered that we share many common interests... we both love animals, dancing, and hair bows.

Plus, both of our Moms are psychotic with a camera!

The most amusing part of their visit was Keeley's Poop-a-Thon. She was making lots of extra diapers to torment her Mom. My Mom was giggling, and kept offering her raisins, fig newtons, and lots of fruit, but I don't think Jenny thought it was very funny. Some of those monster diapers took 2 grown-ups to change!

Mom says they are even, because Jenny gave me some of those puff snacks that make you smell like maple syrup for a month. She still can't get the smell out of my hair. Marmee, Jenny, and Keeley: I love you and can't wait to see you again!