The weather has been so nice lately that Dad couldn't resist the impulse to give me an early birthday present! Sorry to our friends and family who are still freezing up north... the pictures of our beautiful 65 degree day will be disturbing. You guys can have revenge from May to September when we are stuck inside because it's too hot and humid to leave the air conditioning!

We love this tricycle because there is an adult steering bar, the perfect remedy for my tendency to go off-road. Once I got the hang of pushing the pedals forward to make it move, I had to remind Dad to "LET GO!". Giving him a dirty look was just bonus, to warn him not to try anything sneaky.

This is the Tricycle EX model, complete with a bell,

And storage bin for awesome things like acorns, sticks, and goldfish crackers.

We even took it to the street, where I showed Dad a few pointers.

Mom said we can call this tricycle a gift in honor of Maggie and Moxie's combined birthdays. This winter Maggie turned 9, making the official transition to Old Lady. She's maintained her killer instinct, sitting perfectly still for hours to stalk squirrels in the back yard.

And Moxie turned 8, carrying his decidedly mellow personality into Senior Citizenship. They were very excited about their birthday gifts: sturdy new orthopedic dog beds. Now everyone is happy!