My parents spend most of their time these days laughing at the things that come out of my sassy little mouth. Hopefully these pictures at the aquarium captured my fearless, fun spirit along with the comments!

Here are some favorites:
- "Don't say No to me! I want the black pen. Please!"
- At church watching the choir and priests walk in: "There goes God."
- Random announcement at the playground: "Mo-mar Kha-da-fee". (A reminder that my little brain is a sponge and my parents should be careful what they let me watch on the nightly news.)

Dad's favorites:
- Sitting on the potty, crossing arms onto lap: "So Dad, how was your day?"
- "Dad, we are going on a walk. We need something. We need money."
- At bedtime when Dad said he loves me and my Mom: "I love my Mom, and you can't have her."
Mom's favorites:
- "Mom, I like you when you take me to the playground."
- "Do you see my belly? It's getting big. My baby sister is in there."
This brings us to the debut pictures of my 23 week old little brother in Mom's belly! He is kicking like crazy, and giving Mom plenty of new hip and back pain to slow her down. Mom says she is being really careful with her diet this time (sadly, fewer break-and-bake cookies and no yummy Tex Mex that sustained me in her belly back in the good old days in Austin), but she still feels bigger this time around!
As for my part, I've been a very good girl. I'm peeing and pooping in the potty. Sometimes I disappear, sending my parents on a frantic hunt, only to find me doing my business on the potty all by myself. One tiny little habit that my parents would like to break is my nightly poop, the urge that comes 20-30 minutes AFTER they have put me in bed. I love to get back up and sit on the potty while dragging out a conversation with Mom or Dad as they encourage me to hurry up.

Part of the fun of this age is earning my new nickname of Drama Queen. Every day brings an adventure or experience that sends me into a new hilarious performance. For example, in this picture, you can see that freaky-looking fish sent me jumping back a step when he swam right up to the glass.

Then I talked about that freaky fish for the rest of the day, making this face for effect every time!

I'm a very independent big girl now, testing my boundaries, and providing my parents with endless entertainment along the way!