Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Days

One of my sweet friends had a birthday party at our favorite park today.  It was epic because she served Cheetos and chocolate cake.
It was so fun to see my crazy friends outside of school, they make me laugh!
Ryan came ready to play,
but got a little shy because he doesn't know all of my friends.
Dad and I helped him feel more at ease...
 then I had to get back to the Hokey Pokey dance.
 The party continued at home because we never want to go inside when the weather is this perfect.
 I showed Ryan how to ride my old tricycle, and started working on my very own hopscotch court!

Friday, October 26, 2012

Spoons and Baby Talk

Little Man is perfecting his spoon skills.  He's also great at dinner small talk:
Ryan 15mths Spoon Talk

Monday, October 22, 2012

Big Sister Tips

 Mom says that I'm the world's best big sister.  She's right.  My inspiration comes from the look on Ryan's face every time he sees me.  That crazy little monster adores me.  
 To be the best mentor requires commitment and passion for the job.    
 You have to be willing to share your boots and books.
You have to be selfless, really.  Be willing to hold that hug tightly, even when they're clawing at your face to escape or trying to bite a big chunk out of your shoulder.
 Sometimes it's okay to stand your ground when they want your toy but you aren't finished with it.  That's called Tough Love.
 But making the effort to find them a substitute toy is exactly what separates the pretty good big sisters from the exceptional.
 I'm awesome.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Around The House

 Living with a toddler has made life pretty interesting around here.  Ryan still loves us, but doesn't love it so much when we try to hug and cuddle him like the old days. 
 Breakfast is now eaten on top of the table,
 Snacks are served from a comfortable perch,
 And Dad has become the best seat in the house.

Pumpkin Patch

Hook Em Horns

 Our favorite boys.

Ryan at 15 Months

Something mysterious happened on Ryan's 15 month birthday... 
Our little man flipped overnight into a classic toddler:  impatient, angry, demanding.   
 Lucky for us, his new attitude and dirty looks are hilarious!
I try not to laugh openly when he struts around like an angry bird, but I do find him adorable!