We haven't seen my crazy cousins in a whole year, so it was time to plug in the mobile movie players and drive up to refreshing winter weather in Georgia! Sweet Keeley turned 4 on the day after Christmas,
and I was thrilled to help her celebrate!
Ryan wasn't sure what was going on, but he's always up for a party.
He got to see his adorable cousin buddy, Brady.
The boys are at an age where they don't really play together, but their acknowledgement of each other with blank-faced stares was a great sign for fun times in the future.
It was nice to catch up with Mawmaw. She didn't mind the chaos of kids all around her.
Jack Jack was the highlight of the trip. Marmee let us help feed him, Poppy reluctantly let us play with him inside the house, in the basement.
Joli and Jakob drove to the beach in Florida the next day, so we squeezed in as much fun as possible into one night. Raow!
Poppy took our annual girls picture on the stairs. Look how big we are getting! Now I understand why my Mom has a picture-taking obsession, it runs in the family!
Mom can't stop laughing at Joli's spicy personality.

Sadly, our play date plans were thrown out when Keeley and her family got hit with the stomach bug (no fair on her birthday!). We managed to dodge the germs, but they got to Marmee. We still had some quality time, and left more excited than ever for our next visit with them!