We signed up for real soccer lessons this summer. And they are way more fun than the goofy Dad-coached league at the Y.
We do real drills, like dribbling, agility, pull back moves, and general conditioning.
I love it! I literally just run around the field, smiling for the whole hour. I don't even notice that it's 10:00 on a summer Saturday in a blazing hot open field. You won't believe how strong my legs are getting and how fast I can run now.
I think the Gatorade has magic powers.
Ryan likes his team, too. He's learning how to dribble like a turtle, dribble like a rabbit, and do stop airplane.
Mom and Dad each sit at one of our fields and text back and forth the funny comments from other hardcore parents. Like the father-grandfather pair who clearly feel they missed their calling as Navy Seals lamenting their 5 year-old boy's "lack of hustle", and the fact that he obviously "is not in a situation that will set him up for success". I guess they think it makes the sport more fun for little kids when they stand on the sidelines yelling awful things like "you're not doing your best, it doesn't matter if you are trying your best" the whole time.
Mom said there is literally a published research study that says the most important things about team sports are: kids trying their best; having a positive, supportive coach; and having parents who stay the heck out of the way. The only thing your parent should say to you is "I like watching you play".
Because, let's be honest, it really is fun to watch us play! Our bright red cheeks, big smiles, and the thrill that comes with every small victory.
We aren't qualifying for the US Soccer Team, we're just learning how to work hard to improve a skill.
We're learning how to do our best to help our team. We're learning how
to lose gracefully when the Premier Team kicks our butts, then how to get back on that field and try again.
Oh, and we're learning how to devour orange slices.
Dad was right, the oranges are the best part!