Monday, April 20, 2015

Dinosaur World

This is how we roll with Super Dad when Mom has to work all weekend. Dinosaur World!
It's a pretty great place.
Dad likes to take funny pictures and send them to Mom. As if to say "see how much they love each other and never fight when they are with me?!".
Our favorite parts are digging for fossils and shark teeth, and panning for gold and jewel rocks!
Dad packed our favorite picnic: cheese sandwich on Hawaiian rolls with ketchup. 
We love the nature walk. But not the spiders.


Snaggle is hanging on by a thread. We spent the better part of the night trying to pull it out. We tried wiggling it with floss.
Pulling it with tongs.
Twisting it with a tissue.
Dad offered to tie a string to the tooth and let his drone fly it out.
Ryan offered to punch me in the face to knock it out.
And, finally, Dad just pleaded with it to jump out of my face.
Not today. Stay strong, little snaggle.

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Fast Song

Ryan calls this one "Candy Can": Fast Song. I think he thinks he's rapping.

The Chocolate Bunny Mystery

Mom found an empty chocolate bunny wrapper in a secret place while cleaning this week...
She had her suspicions about who the sneaky chocolate eater could be. So, she told us she was using a Lie Detector Video to find the truth. At minute mark 1:20 we found the perp: Chocolate Bunny Mystery Solved.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Butterfly Habitat

This is one of the coolest things we've ever done- it's a butterfly garden kit from Santa. In the spring you order caterpillar cups. For about a week they eat and grow, then they crawl to the top and form a chrysalis.
That's when you pin them to their habitat and wait a week for the butterflies to emerge.
It's a good idea to hang the habitat out of reach because some kids try to traumatize the chrysalides.
Then one day you come home and there is a BUTTERFLY in your house! We named our first friend "Twinkle".
He liked oranges and sugar water. The red stuff on the napkin is called meconium, it's the messy part of hatching. We think it must be what gives the wings a pretty color.
One by one, they started popping out of their cocoons, usually in the morning before school. We had a total of 10 beautiful babies.
The fun part was releasing them at the end of the day. It's crazy how far and high they can fly. We planted lots of flowers for them, so they can live in our back yard.
It was really fun to watch them fly to their favorite trees.
We see one of our babies outside every day. We can't wait to do this again!

Pockets and Sunglasses

Ryan discovered pockets. He loves walking around with his hands in his pockets. 
And sunglasses. He loves his sunglasses.

Nanny McPhee

It is NEVER going to fall out.
Snaggletooth has become the star of my sweet freckled face.

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter! 
It was a perfect morning to celebrate the real meaning of Easter. Of course, we loved the Easter Bunny baskets full of candy, too. My favorite tooth survived all of the chewy goodies.
Our third annual egg hunt was a huge success. We love that our block is filling up with more friends!