Welcome to the next phase of parenting. The phase where a fight breaks out an average of every 20 minutes. We love each other, truly, forever. But, let's be honest about how difficult it is to get along for a full 20 minutes when you have two vastly different personalities.
Let's say, for example, that one of you is a cat. Cats are independent, they like to recharge in the serenity of peace and quiet. They are sweetly affectionate on their own terms, at their own pace.
Let's say that cat lives with a puppy. A wide open, energetic, happy-unless-he's-raging-furious, social butterfly who is happiest when he has a playmate.
Some days it's a perfect combination. We bring out the best in each other.
Other days it's a challenge.
We'll probably be best friends when we grow up.
Because puppies are hilarious.