Sunday, November 12, 2017

Tooth Fairy

First tooth!
The tooth fairy left a trail of fairy glitter dust, a $2 dollar bill, and a mouse for Ryan to join the rest of the family!
He's been showing off his new smile everywhere. 
He even earned a trip to Urgent Care, finding new wounds to celebrate with his toothless smile. 
Then, a few days later, he lost a second tooth. Best week ever!

Irma Gratitude

On the Sunday that Irma churned up Florida, we were preparing for the worst, and hoping for the best, watching it all unfold on TV, Twitter, and Facebook. 
The forecasts were NOT reassuring. 
When CNN sent their silver fox Anderson Cooper, and NBC sent Lester and Al to Tampa for giddy live hurricane broadcasts, we figured we were screwed. All we could do was watch and wait.
We looked for the positive stories.
And comic relief.
We hoped Floridians would recognize which ones were fake news.
But mostly we obsessively watched our home security cameras for storm status updates, until the power was cut by wind. Somehow, we thought it would be comforting to see flood waters rise to our porch and seep into our living room, or giant grandfather oaks in the neighborhood crash down.
Luckily, at the last minute, the storm turned and weakened, sparing us the worst of its damage. I can't remember a time when we felt more grateful. We said our thankful prayers, especially one for the cozy, safe night's sleep we had in Ringgold, far away from Irma.
The next day we celebrated, and waited for the power to come back on through the entire state of Florida so that we could return home.
The power came back on in our neighborhood, and we started our trek back home. 
The drive was unsettling in a Zombie Apocalypse/War Time kind of way. This sounds overly dramatic, but it's true. When the whole state is off the power grid, there is no gas for your car and no food along the way. This puts people on edge, making them do dangerous, desperate things. It's not a good feeling to be part of the congested bumper-to-bumper highway full in all 3 lanes, creeping back down into a peninsula.   
There were some glimmers of hope, like the hundreds of power trucks coming down from the midwest to help. But, the whole experience made us feel especially compassionate for families in Puerto Rico after they were devastated by Hurricane Maria.
Once we got settled at home, we were so grateful to be spared, that we were inspired to help our neighbor who lost everything when a tree fell on her house. We've never been so happy to be able to come home and go back to school and work like normal!

Irma Vacay

Lucky for us, we know some pretty awesome people in Ringgold, Georgia.
They made it an evacu-cation for us!
We got to see our Captain Cousin, Jakob, Middle Schooler, play soccer. He's the best!
These two boys are officially friends now, Step Brothers style, like Will Ferrell and John C. Reilly.
The best part of the trip was definitely the family farm.
We were able to spend a quick day with our Great Aunt Doe, and go on an adventure hike on her family farm land.
She has collected the coolest stuff over the years, as "high-end hoarder" and "clutter curator".
We love her antiques and authentic cuckoo clock.
We missed Marmee and Poppy, since they were on a New England and Canadian Lobster tour. But we were grateful to stay in their comfy house!


Hurricane Irma forced our first evacuation since living in Florida for almost 10 years. It was not fun.
We packed the car with our most valuable things, prepped the house as well as we could, and mentally prepared for worst case scenarios.
Then we hit the road for an epic 15 hour drive, along with millions of other people. 
It was not fun.