Thursday, May 2, 2019

Letters Between Friends

Deep down, we really like each other. 
We definitely make each other laugh:
  • The movie, Troy, taught us that the ancient Greeks named everyone with an "-us" at the end, like Patroclus. So we giggled our way through renaming all of our friends, stopping at Deanus, because, Deanus.
  • Ryan sometimes passionately breaks into song while playing with his Legos. Some of our favorites include: "Body Like A Backroad", and "Tell me something, Girl...".
  • Ryan got so angry once that he asked us to give him a minute to go in the den to "calm down". But it sounded like he said, "Call me Alan!". 

We're very sweet to each other most of the time. Mom saved these notes as proof.


We all like golf now. Mom just likes riding in the cart and being with us, because she couldn't hit the ball if her life depended on it.
We got to spend a weekend at a real PGA tournament, following Snedeker and Garcia.
It was actually more fun than it sounds.
John Rahm was our favorite, because we figured he would say a curse word at some point.


Wolf Scouts this year was a great chance to hang out with the nicest group of boys and parents.
We learned about teamwork, first aid, and our school's history.
We worked with our Dads on the Pinewood Derby.
And we visited the courthouse, where we realized the judge is our neighbor! Our main takeaway from the trip was that we should follow the law, because in jail you have to share a toilet with no toilet paper. 
The year finished with an awesome weekend of camping with our Dads.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Spring Semester

It's been a busy year so far! We're wrapping up 5th grade and 2nd grade like a boss. Our class spent the day acting like professionals in a mock town. We learned to write checks and run a bank, hospital, and grocery store. I was a pharmacist for the day.
Dance has been my favorite thing this year, because it's with my bestie. Soccer was Ryan's favorite for a minute, because this is what the ridiculously beautiful practice nights look like in the winter. 
Their team won the Gasparilla championship, making him the happiest kid on Earth.
He's been a really nice kid lately.
And we've both been growing bigger brains at school this year.
Being older means we get to do more adventurous things on the weekend, like visiting Mom at work.  
She loves her job, mainly because this kind of thing is considered normal there.
The winter down here is the BEST.
Summer is coming.

Snowbirds and Cyclists

Our Great Aunt Doe (Ryan thought she spelled it "Dough") came to visit on her way back home to Georgia after another great Snowbird Season.
Dad was in Hawaii for a business trip at the time. He made sure to keep in touch, and show us that it's more difficult to ride a bike up a volcano. 
Seems like a pretty nice place.