Saturday, September 14, 2019

Art Fest 2019

The Spring Art Fest was super cool. Middle schoolers learned about Frida Kahlo and Salvador Dali. 
They sculpted a picnic setting, which included many Starbucks cups.
Second graders also learned about sculpting. 
This was definitely Mom's favorite, she stood and giggled at this table for a long time. Ryan made the Statue of Liberty (obviously).
Other favorites included Gator on a Cupcake,
and Godzilla under a Cupcake.
The second grade musical performance was very impressive. They mastered recorders, and together with first grade on xylophone, performed a riveting version of the old Bat Man theme.
These shows are the best!

Happy Fathers Day

Happy Father's Day to this awesome guy.
Our favorite thing about him is how much he loves hanging out with us.
He loves Daddy Daughter dances, batting cages, and anything else that lets us be together!

Happy Mothers Day

Happy photogenic Mother's Day to this awesome lady. 
And shout out to Dad for his Claw Hand in every picture. We're not sure where we first noticed his hand, but now it's mandatory for all big events.
Mom's favorite way to celebrate is brunch.
So we brunched!
She also loves our school crafts.
She's the best Mom, because she married a nice guy! There is definitely some truth to that.

Happy 8th Bday Ryan!

Happy birthday to the happiest 8 year old you'll ever meet!
This year we were lucky to have some favorite people in town to help celebrate! He still loves baseball, 
and his guys.
His birthday wish list includes losing more teeth,
toy shopping,
and more dinosaurs for the army.
He is literally the human embodiment of enthusiasm.

Happy 11th Bday Kelsey!

Happy birthday to the sweetest 11 year old you'll ever meet!
For school you get a free dress pass on your birthday,
your Mom can bring you lunch,
and your brother can cut his lunch line to give you a giant hug.
Our annual tradition of the birthday haircut with Ms. Jen continued.
We've loved Ms. Jen since our 5 year old birthday cut!
And, now our birthday wish list includes a little shopping and Starbucks with Mom. 
We like to make fun of some of the advertising strategies.
Being an 11 year old fifth grader also means we get The Talk at school. On the Friday afternoon before Spring Break, they separate the boys and girls to give us the basics on the birds and the bees. Then they send us straight to dismissal for a week, where our parents notice we are a little pale, shocked, and changed. 

Sunday, September 1, 2019

Theater Jazz

That's a wrap on a fun season of dance!
The end of year recital was a major production at a cool old theater.
Our group danced to a Mamma Mia medley, which was definitely the favorite for the parents!
Mom and Dad loved seeing me do what I love, and loved my confidence on stage.