I'm back! Mom says August was a perfect storm, so we had to take a break from blogging. It's been a busy month, full of more hilarious adventures that will certainly make it into our Money Pit memoir!

We returned from vacation to find our air conditioner had broken, so we (quickly) replaced it with a new behemoth that works like a dream...

The a/c installation lead to some damage to the old electrical wiring in the attic, so we spent a few days with no electricity in half of the house. Not a big deal... unless you get a stomach bug in the middle of the night and don't have lights in the bedroom or bathroom! Yep, I puked all over Dad (tortellini, yum) while Mom was at work. He managed very well by flashlight, and I rewarded him by giving my stomach bug to Mom instead of him. Then we rounded out the month with a few sleepless nights of croup and another ear infection.

I just roll with the drama, completely unaffected. Why stress when you've got
Tigger booties to keep your piggies warm? Mom has to hide these in the playroom, because when I see them I have a crisis-level meltdown until she lets me wear them.

Next up for September: mounting the TV! I like to be eye level with Cookie Monster...
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