I just had the best time of my life! We met up with my super fun cousins at Disney World so they could show me around "Mickey Mouse's House".

I don't know which part I liked best- going to the parks,

or hanging out at the resort.

The grown-ups seemed to have a blast watching us have fun, taking pictures and laughing at almost everything we did.

Mom says that I am the perfect age, able to hang with the older boys (I copy everything they do, like hanging from the railings, and running through big sprinklers that I would never attempt on my own),

and still explore with the younger girls (we did a LOT of giggling!).

Joli is still fearless and hilarious (she was the only one of us willing to stay at the window to face down that scary tiger). She has developed the terrifying habit of running away from her Mommy. She is FAST. It's funny when we are in a safe, enclosed place like the resort hallway... not so funny when it's in a crowded Disney wrap-around line. Mom says she will be really good at track when she grows up.

Keeley is still a total sweetie. She came to my house for a sleepover before we all met up at Disney. Mom took pictures of our awesome time that she is going to put on the blog later. Her Dad, Robert, is one of my favorite people now. I kept walking up to his knees and giving them spontaneous hugs.

One of the highlights of our morning at the park was meeting Goofy and Pluto. I gave Goofy a big hug, and then stood, speechless, in awe, as Mom took my picture. This was just a hint at how blown away I was going to be at The Magic Kingdom...