Sunday, October 24, 2010

Aquarium Costume Party

Mom and Dad took me to a wild Halloween party at the Aquarium! We pulled out last year's costume (because I love makeup whiskers), and I practiced saying "Trick or Treat!" and "Thank you" all night.
I was a kitten on a mission to get as much candy as possible. I LOVE TRICK OR TREATING! Every time someone gave me candy, I wanted to unwrap it and eat it right away. If I wasn't finished with the last piece, Dad had the difficult task of eating all of my leftovers.
I got lots of new candy, things I've never seen before! Starbursts were exciting, but ultimately a bad idea... Dad had to fish out the mangled pieces from my teeth.
And some of the candy I just didn't like. Mom and Dad are a little nervous about screening all the goodies on Halloween night, and hope that our neighbors only give out sugar free lollipops and fruit. Ha ha!

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