My Mom is ready to pop! Here we are, with my baby brother still cooking at 39 weeks. Mom said he "dropped" this week, but I don't know what she's talking about, I haven't seen anything fall out. So far, I've adjusted to the idea of a new baby in the house, recently asking more questions and being very sweet to my parents:
- "Mom, is your belly going to get small again like Dad's so I can lay on it?"
- "How are they going to get my brother out of your belly?"
- "Mom, you and Dad are my friends."

The summer heat has magnified all of the "perks" of pregnancy for Mom, like swelling from head to toe (the dentist asked her last week if she had her lips injected, and the OB complimented her barely visible ankle bones). She is proud to have one pair of shoes that will accommodate her puffy little sausage toes!

I've been a natural at "nesting": getting the nursery ready, trying out all the new baby toys, and putting together my old baby gear. I even helped give Maggie and Moxie baths before their big hair cuts. I tell Mom on a regular basis that I am a good helper. In the car on the way to school I said "Mom, I'm growing up so fast, I'm in the big kid room now!".

All of this preparation for being a big sister has left me bold and bossy, as evidenced by these recent comments:
- "Tomorrow you need to get real popsicles, with sticks in them." (Reaction to the healthy fruit squeeze-up popsicles)
- "We don't say 'yeah', at school we say 'yessss'."
- "Daddy, I'm still sleeping, you need to get out of here and close the door."
I'm ready for The Big Arrival... now Mom and Dad have only a week left to get ready, too!
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