My brother has been home for 2 weeks, and the biggest surprise has been the fact that he doesn't do much. Mostly he just sleeps, eats, and cries. He is cute and smells really good, but he isn't big enough to play with me yet. When he is awake, he looks at us with his giant eyes.

He seems to like us so far, and especially loves being cuddled.

He has the adorable habit of squishing himself into a tiny ball when he sleeps.

Since Ryan spends most of his day like this, I have been forced to entertain myself. Mom and I talk about all the things I can teach him when he gets bigger, like how to play with his toys, how to pee in the potty, and how to eat squeeze yogurt. And every day I ask Mom, "Is Baby Ryan bigger yet?".

We celebrated his first Fourth of July at home, watching the Boston Pops In The Park on TV. He slept right through the neighborhood fireworks (in contrast to poor Maggie, who hid in Mom and Dad's room).

He's good at sharing so far, letting me use his bouncy seat for Rapunzel and other dolls. And he loves Story Time, when I read him my favorite books. I think I am going to like this Big Sister, Little Brother thing.
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