We are finally getting a taste of gorgeous fall weather- crisp mornings and low humidity- time to open all the windows! One afternoon we packed a picnic and met our friends at the new park downtown. Even Ryan seemed enchanted- he tolerated his car seat for longer than 15 minutes!

I decided that this is the perfect time to raid Mom's closet and start wearing all of her hats (ponytail out the back like Mom, please). This pink one is my favorite. It's mine now.

Ryan has his own baby hat, so I told him he can wear it and look like Dad.

We celebrated Dad's birthday this week by giving him the weekend off from mowing the yard, and one day off from unloading the dishwasher. Then I made him a card with a drawing of our family. Mom was impressed that I was careful to give Mag and Mox 4 legs each!
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