We hope you and your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

This year I am thankful for my loving Mom, Dad, Baby Ryan, Georgia family, and Boston family (via Skype).

We started the day with the Turkey Trot, or what I like to think is an extended game of Red Light, Green Light.

My support vehicle was called in to help on the last mile.

Next was careful scrutiny of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade while Mom cooked yummy stuff.

Ryan was so excited by the activities that he refused to nap all day... until literally 15 minutes before the Big Meal.

Even Maggie and Moxie were happy to have the windows open, kids laughing, and a kitchen full of new smells (plus, Mom promised to save the National Dog Show for them on the DVR). It was a perfect day, and perfect chance to count our blessings!