The best description for Ryan at this age? Steam roller! He can roll from his back to his tummy, check himself out in the mirror, give us a smile, then keep rolling right off the mat.

Mom says this is no easy task, since Ryan inherited our Frankenstein head. Dad has always complimented Mom's generously sized head with all of its knobs and dents. This same head is now beautifully displayed with a halo of pale
blond fuzz on our little man.

He is a busy baby- we are constantly moving him back onto the mat!

We've even tried body guards-Moxie at one end and new friend, Lion at the other.
Mox has been a loyal furry big brother, shadowing Mom and Ryan wherever they go in the house. He is thrilled that Ryan actually notices him now. He loves to sniff him and let him grab those soft floppy ears.

We are all smitten with this mellow boy and his easy smiles!
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