This kid can't be stopped! He is obsessed with pulling himself up to stand. Mom and Dad would be proud if it weren't such a terrifying development. He is hell-bent on hitting all of his gross motor milestones as soon as possible.

His tenacious commando crawl takes him through the house in a flash, leading us to install the gates. Sometimes this means Moxie can't be at Ryan's side...

but these boys always find a way back to each other.

Ryan loves the freedom of playing in different rooms. He likes the variety of new toys, like electrical cords, drawers, and kitchen basics. Childproofing was never this intense with me!

Mom needs to cherish the few times in a day when our little monkey is cuddly and not moving around like the Energizer Bunny. He still loves a good hug, but only for a moment until he's ready to go, go, go!
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