My 4
th birthday has been the best! Mom brought cupcakes to school so we could have a Little Mermaid birthday party. I insisted on being the Teacher's Helper and hand them out to all of my friends along with the Ariel cupcake toppers (
Spiderman for the boys).

These are the same friends who sang Happy Birthday to me last year and the year before! Look how big we are now.

Even Ryan got to party with us. He likes the attention from his adoring fans: all the girls in my class. They literally circle around him cooing "Hi Ry-Ry" while he smiles and pets/pulls their hair.

The other best part about turning 4 was my girls day! My two best friends and I met up on Saturday morning at a special kid salon for pedicures with purple polish and sparkles.

Then we had lunch with our Moms. I think the Moms enjoyed our morning as much as we did.

But the real surprise was my gift: a purple Big Girl Bike! With training wheels! And a princess helmet!

I'm crazy fast on it, especially with my aerodynamic Blue Sparkly Dress. Now I fully appreciate our boring flat grid pattern neighborhood... it's perfect for cruising on my bike! By the way, if you click on this picture, you can see up close that Dad and I have the exact same expression. Some people think I look like my Dad. Just a little.
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