We are entering Mom's favorite baby-toddler stage with our Little Man. He is a playful, hilarious clown! He claps his hands, bounces up and down to music, puts his fingers together for "The
Itsy Bitsy Spider", blows kisses, and plays peek-a-boo:

We can't decide if he's actually said his official first word yet, but he definitely has his own language: "
guh" means Maggie or Moxie, "
dadada" means Dad, "
mamama" means Mom, "
da-day" means Kelsey, "bah" means ball, and "
DAT" refers to everything else... He imitates the sound of an engine when pushing around toy cars "

He LOVES his soft blanket. He rubs his face on it, then sits up to pick another perfect spot before face-planting again and rolling around to get the best cuddle. We've crowded his crib with a lion lovey, teddy bear, and this blanket (an effort to help him attach to something other than Mom and sleep past 2am). We find him at night curled up with his blanket like spoons.

You may notice that most of these pictures are blurry. He's a mover- no time to pose! We also have fewer pictures in general of this guy- when we grow up and he notices that Mom took a gazillion pictures of me, but only a million of him, he will know that we were just having too much fun to stop for the camera!

He likes to grab 2 toys at a time to carry around the house (one in each hand). There are some favorites: the monkey head rattle, the blue cup, his toothbrush, markers, and paint brushes. Mom said his problem solving skills are advanced for his age- one day he was holding 2 squishy toy balls. When she offered him a third ball, she expected him to drop one in order to take the third. Instead, he took a moment to think, then placed one ball in his mouth and grabbed the third with that free hand. Brilliant! And we're not biased at all.
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