Thursday, April 4, 2013

Ryan at 21 Months

 An Earnest Vampire.  That's how to describe our boy at this stage.  He attacks every activity with zeal and enthusiasm.  Why walk when he can run?  Why talk normally when he can shout? Why ask a question once when he can ask it 3 times in rapid succession?   
The vampire part comes from his recent biting problem at school. Dad says he inherited the Rage Gene, and we should call him "Carl" after his great grandfather's "Carl Fits".  His teachers say that at nap time he appreciates some personal space boundaries from his friends. If they bother him while he's having a snack or sitting on his cot ready to nap, then he "goes all vampire" on them.  Ryan gets grumpy like Mom when they're tired and need a nap (Dad and I are like hamsters on a wheel, never wanting to sleep).
 We don't mind the occasional Rage, because his affectionate side outshines any trouble. Tonight he was quiet in his crib for an hour when Dad tucked me in and whispered "Good night, I love you" from my door.  Out of the blue we heard Ryan shout "Lub you Kelsey! Lub you!".
P.S. If you ever see a toddler in his birthday suit playing with trains suddenly squat and get quiet, it's time to get a diaper on him ASAP!

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