Mom said this weekend goes down in history as one of her favorites of all time. We were bummed out that we couldn't go to Chattanooga to visit our cousins, so we decided to make the best of our staycation. And we left our camera at home, using only iPhones so that Mom wouldn't be tempted to take a million pictures. The first stop was Sesame Street Safari at Busch Gardens.
Then we got to go into the kangaroo exhibit. Now that I'm 5, they will let me feed them. I think Mom was just as excited as I was. There were two young kangaroos that were very friendly, and I was completely in awe.
We could have stopped there and called it the best weekend ever, but it only got more and more fun. I took Ryan into the giant bounce house. He was cracking up, completely unfazed by the rough falls, and I was in my element as the protective big sister.
I think Mom and Dad had just as much fun watching us running, falling, and giggling. They were loving the fact that we have finally hit the stage where we actually play together.
Dad's favorite part of the day was squeezing into rides with Ryan.
Ryan's favorite was the ropes course. He is seriously fearless. This is going to be a problem when he gets older.
The baby ducks got more attention than the giant Elmo and Big Bird who were walking around the park. Mom let me take her phone and practice my photography skills.
She says I did a good job.
The next day was equally awesome- we went out on a boat with our friends. The boys got used to the life jackets after being bribed with a few Capri Suns. Nothing sweetens a deal like sugar (and chocolate chips).
We girls didn't need anything but the wind in our faces, we kept asking the Dads to drive the boat faster!
The next day was a beautiful time at our favorite beach with the entire population of central Florida. We didn't get any pictures of the perfectly flat clear blue-green water because we spent most of our time in it, swimming like happy little fish.
We were able to admire Buddy's new signature move with food. He rolls it up neatly between his palms,
then shoves the biggest possible bite in his mouth. It's not uncommon for him to choke 3 times per meal now because he refuses to take baby bites.
Meanwhile, I'm adopting the European approach to mealtime, dragging it out for hours. Mom and Dad usually start asking "Are you done yet?!" around the same time that Ryan starts shouting "ALL DONE! GET DOWN?!" a hundred times.
In the end, it was 3 blissful days where nobody was sick, everybody was well rested and in a good mood, and we were all tired enough in the afternoons to snuggle like this. And we got to gobble up Dad's smoked BBQ ribs with friends. Perfection.