Here are pictures from my recent visit with Aunt Doe. We had such a good time! She was amazed at how much I had changed since her last trip.

I am on the move now, crawling everywhere. That means I can stalk our dogs...

Moxie lets me crawl on him and grab his face, and Maggie thinks that I am her new door opener.

Here I am with my new favorite toys- our DVD collection. I love to pull each one out of the basket, chew on it, and then throw it aside. Mom and Dad don't mind, they use these to distract me until they come up with a plan to hide the cable box and wires.
I see Kelsey takes after Sadie in that she pulls out one toy, plays with it for a while, then grabs another. Soon, you have an empty toybox and a floor full of stuffed animal carcasses.
I love the "pretty" pants, girly! And I noticed that you're standing now - way to go!!
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