I am starting to think that my parents adore me. Mom entertains me during the week and Dad takes me on play dates while she works on the weekends. My life couldn't be more perfect!

He is teaching me advanced things, like talking on the phone and
texting. I wanted to send Nana a picture of my belly button, but he said nice girls don't do "

Last weekend was especially fun. He picked out my clothes himself. Mom was laughing really hard, but he said "there is pink in the shirt and pink in the pants, so they match, right?!".

We went outside to read our books and talk about life. It was a great day!

Dad said he wants to spend as much time as possible with me now, before I turn into a teenager that hates him. Fine with me- I think he's pretty awesome!
I love her!
You just get cuter and cuter, Miss Sassy-Pants! Love you!
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