Good Times! Mom and I went up to see my Georgia cousins for a long weekend. We had so much fun! Mom said I should profile each cousin so I will remember how cute they were at this age...

First up: Keeley, the sweet and shy one. She was very cautious around us at first, but not afraid to show us her rocking dance moves!

She did not appreciate the times that I flexed my 2 year-old muscle... once I smacked her with a toy and she just gave me this pitiful look with her lower lip sticking out. It was so sad! I had to sit in Time Out while Mom hugged her. She got revenge later by taking away my favorite cheerleader doll.

We followed
Marmee around the kitchen while she made yummy snacks for us. The theme for the weekend was strawberries (Poppy's garden was extra generous this year): strawberry salad, strawberry ice cream, strawberry preserves... we even wore strawberry pajamas!

Then we headed over to Joli's house. She is an independent little nut! Mom was laughing at her constantly- she said Joli has a stubborn streak like You-Know-Who. Here she is standing in her seat, even after her Mom made her sit down 10 times!

I was particularly impressed with her technique for eating spaghetti. She told me that it tastes better if you spread it all over your face.

Mom says Joli has to be tough to keep up with her big brother, Jakob. He was the star of the weekend, as usual!

He had me cracking up with the Master Blaster! Plus, he taught me how to say "arm pit" and "fart".

I have to give a shout out to my favorite All Star baseball star, Colin! Mom only has ONE picture of him from the whole weekend because he was busy hitting
home runs in a tournament with his team, the
Dirtbags. He is sweet and shy like his little sister, Keeley, and I think he gets
embarrassed when I follow him around the house smiling. He is so cute!

On Friday morning, Mom and Jenny took me for a session with their favorite photographer. That was fun for about 5 minutes. Mom was thrilled with the pictures- said something about how beautiful my "blue Timmy eyes" looked.

After all of the modeling, I was ready to cool off in the fountains.

Keeley and I had a snack in our matching shirts (our Moms are
soooo ridiculous),

then got soaked!

Keeley was so nice, she even shared her Poppy with me for
story time later.

Our next big adventure was the zoo! Mom couldn't get a good picture of the caravan of cars, car seats, diaper bags, and strollers that made up our entourage, but she did get a shot of me in the
UGA stroller. Don't tell my Dad!

Joli gave me a few pointers to help me understand the animals. We watched the gorillas celebrate their birthdays, but I got scared when one walked over to me at the glass. He was so big! Now when we read my Good Night Gorilla book, I say "it's not scary", because it
was scary!

Then we all got a very close look at the big cats. I call them "jag-u-
ars" like Will Farrell.

This is the face I made when Jake told me it was going to eat me.

The petting zoo was fun... until the end, when Mom spent 10 minutes scrubbing and sanitizing my hands, arms, chest, face, and feet.

I should mention that we saw
Mawmaw, too. She wouldn't let us take her picture because her hair wasn't done.
Mawmaw was very nice, she let me play with her knitting needles, scissors, and loose blood pressure pills. Mom said we would probably just bring
Mawmaw over to the child-proofed houses to play from now on. Stay tuned for the second half of my recap, coming soon!