Last night I escaped from my crib for the first time. It was difficult adjusting to my normal bedtime schedule after all the fun late nights with Nana and Papa. Usually I stall with the Dora-suicide-jump trick (that's her on the floor): Dora jumps, I cry, the adults come running to save her, and I win the battle for more attention.

So, last night Mom and Dad shut my door and set the timer to let me cry it out for 5 minutes. They were feeling smug and victorious when the crying stopped after only a few minutes... until my door opened and they found me running down the hall, beaming! Tonight they were prepared, and caught me in the act (that's me balanced on my belly on top of the crib rail). Dad said he was impressed at the athleticism of my escape, and Mom was amused that I stopped to grab Dora before running to freedom.
20 minutes after this video was taken, Dad had converted my crib to a Big Girl bed! My parents are happy that it is less dangerous, but wary that this begins a new chapter in my Bedtime Adventures.

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