We managed to squeeze in plenty of pool time during our trip! Keeley taught me how to float in style, always keeping one eye on "The Water Monster", Jakob.

Joli is a tiny little Olympic swimmer! She taught me how to use arm

But, my favorite trick was learning to jump! I got pretty good at it. Mom would catch me, and before the splash had settled, I was asking "Again?!".

For my last afternoon at the pool, we had a surprise: Doe brought watermelon and Marmee brought a birthday cake! It was my third birthday cake in a month- I'm a very lucky girl! The best part was how everyone seemed to enjoy the party...

On our last night, we all headed to
Marmee and Poppy's house for our own World Cup championship game. Keeley was an intimidating goaltender with her steely game face.

Joli acted as the sideline referee, ready to outrun any of us.

And Jake taught me some wicked moves!

I was feeling pretty awesome on the field, until Jakob pulled a
Ronaldo! He takes the game very seriously.

After cleaning up in the locker room, we all joined Poppy for Ring Around The
Rosey. I can't believe Mom took pictures of us in our undies.

My visit passed much too quickly! On my last night, Jakob taught me about sleepovers. First we helped
Marmee give Keeley a bath (while her parents were on the ball field cheering on our favorite
Dirtbag, Colin),

We played hide and seek while pretending to be dogs,

and he introduced me to the Wiggles! We stayed up super late, all the way to 9:30!

I had such a great time with my Georgia family! I miss them and can't wait to see them again!
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