Saturday, September 11, 2010


Today was my first gymnastics class, 45 minutes in a super fun gym. At home I love to climb, roll, and jump off furniture, so Mom and Dad thought I might like a formal class.
In my 2-year-old group, our Moms take us through each station while we learn different skills. I did the circuit twice, then decided that the trampoline was my favorite... so I broke away from the group to go back! I would jump down the trampoline, laughing hysterically, then run back to start over as fast as I could. Mom was cracking up at one point, when I turned around to look at myself in the mirror and said "Name is Kelsey!", then jumped off in a wild frenzy. The best part was the big foam pad at the end, where I could launch myself off the trampoline and land in a big laughing heap. I can't wait for next week's "nastics" class!

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