Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Happy Father's Day!

We have the best Dad in the world. He hugs us, kisses us, plays Red Sox games on TV for us, and lets us listen to "real" music.
He does other invisible stuff, too, like working to keep a roof over our heads, food on our table, and dollars in our college fund. He reminds us to put our money in a piggy bank, because the piggy will take better care of it than the Disney store. 
But, mostly we love him for the important things, like frantically searching the playroom at bedtime to find our favorite blanket, dinosaur, or stuffed elephant to sleep with. And always agreeing to cook macaroni and cheese for dinner when Mom is at work. 
We could give you an endless list of Dad's superior qualities that would rival any of the effusive Facebook posts, but we need to finish these chocolate chips that Mom gave us to sit still for the picture so she can frame it for his Father's Day gift. 

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