Monday, June 3, 2013

Toy Box

Murphy's Law states that you cannot have two perfect weekends in a row. So we knew that we would have to pay for the peace of  Memorial Day. And boy, did we. Poor Ryan is cutting his upper molars and it has been BRUTAL.  He definitely likes to project rage when he feels yucky, so Mom is teaching me how to recognize when he is possessed by the toddler devil, and stay the heck out of his way.  
We know our happy, sweet little buddy is still inside, and we have these old pictures from a fun time in the playroom to prove it. 
This is where having an almost 2 year old in the house gets really fun. He loves to play along with any games I make up.  He climbs in, head first, in his characteristic clumsy-but-determined way, then waits for my signal to tip over the box. 
 I don't know what I loved the most, crashing the Toy Box a hundred times with him, or
 styling his hair.

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