Monday, March 30, 2009

Happiest Prisoner On The Block

It's baby-proofing time! When Mom and Dad bought this safety gate, it seemed like a good idea... But, after Dad put it together as a "play pen", they realized it was more of a cage. At first they put me in there and kept laughing hysterically, calling me "The Prisoner". I didn't understand the joke, but I was laughing with them. Whatever- this is totally fun getting to stand up and take a couple of steps! It's just like the zoo, except I'm on the inside and the animals are on the outside! Now we just use it as a straight gate to block the wide doorway and keep me in the safe room.

1 comment:

Shara said...

LOL, I have to admit, Kelsey, when you said the animals were on the outside...I thought you were referring to your parents!!! (Yes, I know those two animals well!) But alas, you were actually referring to the dog. :) Congrats on those first steps - so proud of you!!