On the last day of vacation, we drove to the north side of the Cape to spend the day at Mayflower Beach. When we arrived in the morning, the water was up to the row of umbrellas, then the tide went out. Seriously, the tide there goes WAY OUT.

The tidal pools that are left behind make perfect spots for hunting hermit crabs. They look like tiny little marbles with legs and
Kalyn helped me collect them in our bucket so we could watch them all scramble around. It became an obsession!

It was really nice to hang out with the whole family that day. Mom loved how the beaches are so different up there. First of the all, the water is frigidly cold (Dad and Aunt Julie call it "refreshing" and claim the cold water is in Maine). Plus, the beach itself becomes the most densely populated square mile on the continent in a matter of 2 hours. It's like a fun party all day long!

We walked over to a family favorite restaurant,
Chapins. Mom let me have a Sprite there. I like Sprite!

She let Dad have a Coke.

Then my aunts taught me how to make a scary face, which became a recurring theme for the rest of the trip!

Sadly, on Saturday, it was time to pack up and head to the airport. We were able to stop in Boston to see
Kalyn's new house. It's perfect! She painted her room a cool green, and she had lots of baby dolls to show me.

But, the highlight was meeting her awesome dogs!

D.J. was the first in the family. I think he liked me...

and he loves

Ben is a big kisser...

And Mary is sweet, sweet, sweet.

It was hard to leave, because we had such a great trip. This is our one big family vacation a year, and we were glad to spend it with Mom's favorite in-laws!

Even if they are a little bit kooky...

The next time we will all be together again is at the wedding- I can't wait!
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