I LOVE KALYN! It has been a whole week since we were on vacation together, and I miss her.

Kalyn is the best big girl cousin, ever. She is a little more than 8 years older than me, close to the same age difference as my Mom and her favorite girl cousin, Jenny. Mom says that means that Kalyn and I are destined to be great friends.

When we were in Cape Cod, she let me copy everything she did. There was nobody more patient and fun than Kalyn. She taught me how to peel and eat clementines without catching a yucky seed.

She found the cutest little snails and hermit crabs for me to squeal over.

She made me laugh,

shared her shaved ice (yum!),

and taught me how to have a blast at the beach.

I wish I could see her every day. Mom says that she and Dad are already campaigning for Kalyn and her Mom to come visit us again soon!
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