Dad is out of town this weekend, so Mom planned a fun Girl's Day. First, we went to the mall for a haircut (and lollipop!), then we had lunch at Chick
Fil-A (nuggets! ice cream!). It was too rainy to go to the pool, so we decided to get a
bird feeder to put in the back yard. Mom said later we can paint "See Rock City" on the roof.

We hung it up and sat in our chairs with big glasses of lemonade. Then, we looked around for the pretty red, blue, and woodpecker birds that live in our trees. But, who showed up? The stinking squirrel!

I let him know right away that he was NOT invited to the party ("No squ-lul! Not for you! Is for baby birds!"). We had to stay alert, chasing him away all afternoon. Mom said I will be a good hall monitor one day.

While we were on squirrel patrol, Maggie caught a possom (Ick! I thought they were nocturnal!). It didn't want to play with her, and kept hissing. It was so yucky. Mom had to get a shovel (why do these things happen when Dad is out of town?) and move it to the garbage can. She thought it was dead... but apparently it was just "playing possom", because it ran away when we weren't looking! Maybe Maggie will find it again later.
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