What a great week! While we may never discuss the nightmare travel experience at the end of our vacation, the time we had with family in Bean Town could not have been better! The Aunties hosted Christmas Eve dinner after Mass, complete with
Kalyn's adorable place settings.

We had good times talking about Joy Joy's upcoming wedding, but were sad to find Big Mike stuck in Cleveland with pneumonia.

I reassured everyone that his "moo-no-
mia" was getting better on "anti-bio-
gics". He was there in spirit... and on

To prepare for the feast,
Kalyn and I helped Aunt Julie make cookies.

We took a break when she got out the mixer.

Dad had an especially good time this week relaxing while the girls did the cooking. He tried to hang out with me, but I wanted nothing to do with either of my parents since I was with my idol,

He spent some quality couch time with Nana and Papa,

and his new boyfriend, a sweetheart named Ben.
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